Rise in Abused Children Prompts New FAITH Program
Virginia honors FAITH Social Services

Every year Muslims across the globe follow in the prophetic tradition of Prophet Ibrahim and perform the Qurbani by sacrificing an animal and sharing among family members and the less fortunate in the community, this is done in an effort to strengthen the Ummah.

Muslims in America usually donate their Qurbani meat or money to social service agencies and this year on October 19, 2014, Foundation for Appropriate and Immediate Temporary Help (FAITH) and Islamic Relief came together in Herndon to distribute Qurbani meat to FAITH clients and other low-income families. Islamic Relief donated over 800 pounds of meat and FAITH provided rice and oil in addition to the meat.

More than a hundred people came out to receive the Qurbani meat and food staples. FAITH Social workers said that the Qurbani meat distribution is very important for the clients that they work with. The Qurbani is a community event and people want to be part of the Qurbani distribution because the Muslim clients feel a spiritual connection.

“Qurbani meat brings a lot of joy and spirituality, also the fact that it is Zabiha and halal meat is very emotionally uplifting to my clients,” said Ayesha Haya, a social worker at FAITH.

Clients came from as far as Maryland to receive the meat. Ayesha added that clients often do not eat meat because it expensive.

“A lot of my clients will forego meat and instead with their food stamps buy lentils and other cheaper alternative to protein.” FAITH has been distributing Qurbani meat for the past 9 years but since last year Islamic Relief has been partnering with FAITH to provide FAITH client’s with organic grass fed beef.

“Many of our clients are able to access food and other items through their food

stamps and other agencies, but what is missing from their diet is the meat, said Tanveer Mirza, president of FAITH Social Services. The Islamic Relief partnership is very beneficial for FAITH clients since they are able to access very high quality meat which the clients really look forward to every year.”

Besides the Qurbani distribution FAITH has robust food programs which include a year round food pantry and an annual food distribution during Ramadan which provides a month’s supply of food.



25th Anniversary Gala

October 19 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm