
Become a One-Time or Monthly Donor


Become a One-Time or Monthly Donor


Zakah and Fitrana ($15/pp), which are the fundamental pillars and a mandatory obligation for everyone. Mention “Fitrana” in the notes section when distributing as required.


Voluntary donation for people in need, providing basic necessities. Where it’s needed most in the community.

Janazah (Burial) Fund

Help families in need of support for burial costs for a loved one.

Food Programs

Food distribution to families in need (Fidyah – $15 per day and Kaffarah).

Scholarship Program

Provide high school and college scholarships to students in need.

Children’s Enrichment Program

Provide necessary support for children, teens and those orphaned.

Refugee Education Assistance

Assist Afghan Refugee Education. Donations will be matched by 50%.


Providing a clear road map towards self-sufficiency.

Passionate – Dedicated – Community Focused

See how we have been able to impact our community with your help!

Transparency – Openness – Integrity

IRS Tax Form 990

At FAITH, we believe transparency is paramount when entrusting us with your generous donations. That’s why we encourage you to review our annually filed IRS Form 990. This public document provides an objective, in-depth look at our finances – revenue sources, allocation of funds towards programs, efficiency in spending, and use of our tax-exempt status. The form 990 holds us accountable, offering insight into our charitable efforts, leadership, and alignment with philanthropic values like yours. We proudly make these returns available online, empowering caring individuals to give with confidence after understanding our financial standing and operations.